Chartered October 29, 1994
Revised January 9, 2021
- The name of Lodge #47 of the Order of the Arrow shall be Amangi Nacha which means "Big Three" in Lenni Lenape.
- The Amangi Nacha Lodge shall be affiliated with the Golden Empire Council, Boy Scouts of America, and shall be under the supervision and the administrative authority of the Council Scout Executive.
- The totem of this Lodge shall be the California Valley Quail called the Se‑Kah‑Ke in Maidu.
- The sash is worn at Order of the Arrow functions and special Scouting activities, including Courts of Honor and on occasions when members need to be identified as Arrowmen rendering special service.
- Requirements for membership in this Lodge shall be as prescribed in the current edition of the Order of the Arrow Handbook.
- Members of the Boys Scouts of America who apply for transfer from another Lodge of the Order of the Arrow shall be accepted as members of the Amangi Nacha Lodge upon verification either by a letter of transfer or a membership card and payment of current dues in the Amangi Nacha Lodge.
- All membership elections for the Order of the Arrow must be held in the Scout(er)'s Golden Empire Council registered unit. The elections must be conducted by a trained election team appointed by the Lodge and/or Chapter chiefs from the Amangi Nacha Lodge. Elections conducted by other than the Amangi Nacha Lodge are invalid.
- Ordeal candidates from the Golden Empire Council may not attend Ordeal ceremonies conducted by other than the Amangi Nacha Lodge unless written permission is given by the Amangi Nacha Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser, or their designee(s), If permission is given, the fee charged to Ordeal candidates who attend Ordeals outside of the Lodge will be equal to the fee charged for Amangi Nacha Lodge Ordeals.
- Dues
- Yearly Lodge dues will be determined by the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- The Lodge year is from January 1 through December 31.
- To encourage on time dues payment, the Council of Chiefs may establish incentive programs.
- For inactive members and Arrowmen transferring from another Lodge, dues will not be prorated. The dues will be equal to the full year's dues.
- There shall be a Lodge induction fee, payable at the time of induction into the Order of the Arrow. The Lodge Council of Chiefs will establish an equitable fee for the entire Lodge.
- Classes of membership
- Active membership: an active member of the Amangi Nacha Lodge shall be defined as one who has paid his/her current dues.
- Inactive membership: an inactive member of the Amangi Nacha Lodge shall be one who has not paid his/her current dues. Inactive members have no voting power, cannot be officers/advisers, will not receive Lodge publications, and cannot wear the Amangi Nacha Lodge pocket flaps.
- Procedures for Brotherhood eligibility and membership shall be as specified in the current Order of the Arrow Handbook.
- All pre‑Ordeal, Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil Ceremonies shall be as printed in the current Order of the Arrow pamphlet for each ceremony.
- Vigil Honor attainment and membership procedures shall be described in the Guide for Officers and Advisers.
- The boundaries of the Lodge will be equal to those of the Golden Empire Council.
- The Chapter is a subdivision of the Lodge and is normally equal to the boundaries of Districts but may be adjusted by the Lodge.
- The role of the Lodge is to monitor and coordinate the activities of the Chapters, and to do those things that must be managed by the Lodge and the Council.
- The Lodge is responsible for the financial integrity of the Lodge and the Chapters.
- The Lodge will supervise the Trading Post. The Lodge will purchase and distribute items to the Lodge Trading Post.
- The Lodge is responsible for producing a newsletter.
- It is suggested that the lodge conduct the following events on an annual basis:
- Two Fellowships
- Three Ordeals
- Takachsin
- Lodge Banquet
- The Lodge will be responsible for training Lodge and Chapter Officers and Advisers.
- The Lodge will be responsible for Vigil Honor recognition.
- The Lodge will be responsible for the Founder's Award.
- The Lodge will be responsible for the James E West Recognition.
- The Lodge will be responsible for supporting Golden Empire Council events as requested.
- The Lodge is responsible for supporting the Section Conclave.
- Hold a monthly Council of Chiefs (Lodge Business meetings).
- General election rules:
- Elections will be held at the Fall Fellowship,
- Terms of office will be from Lodge Dinner to Lodge Dinner.
- The only adults allowed at the election are the Lodge Adviser, the Staff Adviser, and Council Executive. Others may be invited upon the discretion of the Lodge Adviser.
- All Lodge Officers shall be under 21 years of age throughout their term of office.
- Only registered youth members of the Amangi Nacha Lodge may endorse, campaign, and vote for candidates.
- The Lodge is not responsible for campaign expenses of candidates.
- Any Lodge facilities, publication, etc. made available to any candidate for campaign purposes shall be made available to all candidates.
- Election through a nominating process at a Lodge event.
- The elections will start with the Lodge Chief.
- Unsuccessful candidates may run for another office of their choice. They do not have to be re-nominated.
- The Lodge Chief may appoint the Vice‑Chiefs to specific positions if all of the Vice‑Chief nominees and a simple majority of the voters agree.
- If there are Vice‑Chief elections, the sequence of the elections will be as follows:
- Vice‑Chief for Program
- Lodge Secretary
- Vice‑Chief for Inductions
- If there are insufficient candidates to fill all of the offices, by a simple majority vote, members may vote to accept or reject each candidate while all of the nominees are outside
- A simple majority is required to win any election.
- If no candidate receives a majority, then the two candidates with the highest percentage will be involved in a run‑off election.
- If only one candidate is nominated for a position, he must be voted upon.
- If no candidate for an office receives a simple majority after three rounds of voting, the Lodge Council of Chiefs will determine the winner by a simple majority vote.
- The Lodge Chief will appoint the following roles:
- Vice Chief of Camping
- Vice Chief of Training
- Vice Chief of Finance
- Vice Chief of Ceremonies
- Vice Chief of Dance & Drum
- Vice Chief of NOAC
- Lodge Vigil Chief
- Vacancies on the Lodge Executive Council will be filled by the Lodge Council of Chiefs by a simple majority vote.
- In the event of a vacancy in any elected lodge office, the Lodge Chief will appoint, subject to the approval of the Lodge Council of Chiefs, a qualified person to fill the unexpired term of office. A simple majority vote of the Lodge Council of Chiefs is required.
- In the event of a vacancy in any appointed lodge office, the Lodge Chief will appoint, subject to the approval of the Lodge Adviser, a qualified person to fill the unexpired term of office.
- Any Lodge Officer may resign from their position upon giving notification to their adviser and the Lodge Chief.
- The Lodge Chief may remove any Lodge officer with the advice and consent of the Lodge Adviser and Lodge Staff Adviser. Reasons for removal may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Unexcused absences from two meetings.
- Conduct unbecoming an Arrowman repeatedly.
- Breaking a major BSA, National Order of the Arrow, or Council rule
- The Lodge Council of Chiefs may remove any Lodge officer with a 2/3 vote. Reasons for removal may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Unexcused absences from two meetings.
- Conduct unbecoming of an Arrowman repeatedly.
- Breaking a major BSA, National Order of the Arrow, or Council rule.
- Adult leadership
- The Lodge Adviser shall be appointed based on the rules by the current Field Operations Guide, as released by National Order of the Arrow BSA.
- The Lodge Adviser shall appoint all Lodge Associate Advisers.
- The Lodge Adviser shall appoint Chapter Advisers who will appoint Chapter Associate Advisers.
- The Lodge Adviser has veto power over all actions and decisions of the Lodge, and Chapters.
- The Chapter Adviser has veto power over all actions and decisions of the Chapter.
- General election rules:
- Chapter meetings will occur monthly at a location and time decided by the Chapter Council of Chiefs.
- The Lodge Executive Council shall consist of the Lodge Chief, Lodge Vice‑Chief's, the Immediate Past Lodge Chief, Staff Adviser, and Lodge Adviser.
- All youth members of the Lodge Executive Council shall have one vote each on emergency business as determined by the Lodge Chief and Adviser, The Lodge Chief will vote in case of a tie.
- Voting in the Lodge Executive Council
- A quorum is at least half of the Lodge Executive Council
- A quorum must be present to take a vote.
- A simple majority of those present will determine the outcome of a vote unless otherwise stated in the Lodge rules. The Lodge Adviser, or his designee, must be present.
- The Lodge Chief will vote only in case of a tie vote.
- The Lodge Council of Chiefs will be composed of the Lodge Executive Council and the Chief of each Chapter. The immediate past Lodge Chief is a member of the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- The Lodge Council of Chiefs will be the legislative and executive body of the Lodge.
- The Lodge Council of Chiefs will meet monthly
- Special meetings of the Lodge Council of Chiefs may be called by the Lodge Chief.
- Adult members (21 + years old) of the Order of the Arrow shall have no vote. Adults will be advisers only.
- Admittance to the meeting shall be by the use of the admonition.
- Voting in the Lodge Council of Chiefs meetings:
- A quorum is at least half of the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- A quorum must be present to take a vote.
- A simple majority of those present will determine the outcome of a vote unless otherwise stated in the Lodge rules. The Lodge Adviser, or his designee, must be present.
- Each person in one of the Lodge offices and each Chapter Chief has one vote. The immediate past Chief (if under 21) has one vote.
- The Lodge Chief will vote only in case of a tie vote.
- If a Chapter Chief is not present for a Council of Chiefs or a vote, they may send a youth representative in their place
- Financial responsibility for the Lodge is retained by the Lodge.
- The Lodge Chief; in consultation with the Vice‑Chief for Finance and Advisers, will submit a budget no later than the first Lodge Council of Chiefs meeting in the Lodge calendar year.
- Chapters will submit an itemized budget to the Lodge Council of Chiefs no later than the first Lodge Council of Chiefs in the Lodge calendar year.
- The Lodge and Chapters will submit revisions of their budgets four and eight months after the initial budget.
- The Council of Chiefs will decide the distribution of the funds based on the needs presented in those budgets.
- The Vice‑Chief for Finance and Associate Adviser will monitor these accounts and report to the Lodge and the Chapter at every Lodge Council of Chiefs meeting.
- Fund raiser money will be kept by the fund raising group in their Lodge account.
- Expenditure of non‑budgeted funds must be approved by the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- The Vice Chief of Finance and the Adviser will review all check requests against the Lodge or Chapter Budgets and Minutes
- Unauthorized purchases will not be reimbursed.
- All purchases and expenditures for the Trading Post must be approved by the Lodge Council of Chiefs. This applies to non consumable items.
- The Lodge Trading Post Adviser will be responsible for the purchase and distribution of the items to the Lodge Trading Posts.
- Chapter Trading Posts will be maintained by each Chapter.
- The Lodge Council of Chiefs determines the costs of Trading Post items.
- All patch designs will be submitted by youth members, unless the Lodge Council of Chiefs votes to open designs to the adult members.
- The Vice‑Chief for Trading Post shall have an Associate Lodge Adviser for Trading Post appointed by the Lodge Adviser.
- The Lodge Secretary is the editor of the Se-Kaw-Ke Squawks.
- The official publication of the Amangi Nacha Lodge shall be called the Se‑Kah-Ke Squawks.
- The Se‑Kah‑Ke Squawks will be published at least quarterly.
- The Editor shall appoint assistants(s) as he deems necessary.
- Each Lodge Officer, Chapter Chief, and Event Chairman will submit articles to the Editor at least quarterly.
- Lodge Chief
- Act as the Chief Executive Officer of the Lodge in consultation with the Lodge Adviser.
- Establish Lodge goals/Lodge Achievement Program
- Establish a Chapter Achievement Program
- Establish an Administrative Plan for the Lodge,
- Delegate duties to each of the Lodge Officers.
- Establish a budget
- Establish a Lodge calendar
- Collect and document Vice Chief end of term reports
- Chair Lodge Council of Chiefs and Lodge Executive Council meetings and vote in case of a tie vote.
- Produce and monitor the Lodge Plan Book by the first meeting in the Lodge calendar year
- Monitor the activities of the Chapter Chiefs
- Act as a voting member of the Section Council of Chiefs.
- Create the end of term document.
- Act as the Chief Executive Officer of the Lodge in consultation with the Lodge Adviser.
- Lodge Vice‑Chief for Program:
- Work closely with the Lodge Associate Adviser
- Perform such duties as the Lodge requires
- Coordinate service for the Council Events
- Plan, Coordinate, and Execute the Lodge Winter and Fall Fellowships
- Coordinate the Lodge Fellowship
- Perform the duties of the Lodge Chief in their absence
- Act as a voting member of the Lodge Council of Chiefs
- Submit an end of term report to the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser
- Monitor the activities of the Chapter Vice‑Chiefs for Program
- Lodge Vice‑Chief for Inductions:
- Work closely with the Lodge Associate Adviser for Inductions
- Coordinate the Inductions Program
- Coordinate the Training of Unit Election Teams for each Chapter with the Vice Chief of Training.
- Work with the Vice Chief of Ceremonies to coordinate ceremonies.
- Monitor the activities of the Chapter Vice‑Chiefs for Inductions
- Ensure unit elections are conducted in each chapter.
- Ensure chapter election teams are fully equipped to conduct unit elections.
- Ensure that the ordeal master and taskmaster are fully trained and equipped for success.
- Work with brotherhood eligible candidates to go through the brotherhood process.
- Perform such duties as the Lodge requires.
- Coordinate the Founder's Award.
- Act as a voting member of the Lodge Council of Chiefs
- Submit an end of term report to the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser
- Lodge Secretary
- Work closely with the Lodge Associate Advisers of Technology/Lodgemaster, and Communication.
- Maintain Lodge Rosters
- Take, publish, and file minutes of all Lodge meetings
- Send emails as requested by members of the Lodge Executive Council.
- Maintain a file of all Chapter Reports.
- Produce Se-Kaw-Ke Squawks quarterly along with an Ordeal Edition.
- Maintain the Lodge and Chapter Calendars as approved by the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- Monitor the activities of the Chapter Vice‑Chiefs of Communications and/or Secretaries.
- Perform such duties as the Lodge requires.
- Act as a voting member of the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- Submit an end of term report to the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser.
- Lodge Vice Chief of Finance
- Work closely with the Lodge Associate Adviser and the Trading Post Manager
- Perform such duties as the Lodge requires
- Help to promote and get members to pay their dues
- Coordinate with the Lodge Chief to produce the Lodge Budget
- Receive, report, and maintain files of the Budget of the Lodge, Chapter, and Trading Post.
- Monitor and report the Lodge and Chapter Budgets at the January and September Lodge meetings
- Review all check requests against the Lodge or Chapter Budgets and Minutes.
- Produce an audit report of the Lodge and Chapter inventories for the January and September Lodge Council of Chiefs Meetings.
- Maintain financial records of the Lodge and Chapters.
- Monitor the activities of the Chapter Vice‑Chiefs for Finance
- Maintain the Lodge Trading Post and its contents.
- Inspect all supply orders for accuracy and imperfections, and shall return all unacceptable items.
- Document the trading post inventory and shall maintain records of all transactions.
- The Vice Chief shall report to the Lodge the inventory and sales of the lodge at the January and September Lodge meetings.
- Perform such duties as the Lodge requires.
- Act as a voting member of the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- Submit an end of term report to the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser.
- Lodge Trading Post Manager
- Removed; Integrated into the Lodge Vice Chief of Finance
- Lodge Vice-Chief of Communication
- Removed, Integrated into Lodge Secretary
- Lodge Vice-Chief of Publications
- Removed, Integrated into Lodge Secretary
- Lodge Vice‑Chief for Camping
- Work closely with the Lodge Associate Adviser for Camping
- Produce the "Where to Go Camping" Booklet
- Produce and maintain the Camping Promotion for Lodge/ Chapter Use.
- Monitor the activities of the Chapter Vice‑Chiefs for Camping.
- Plan Spring and Fall Service Projects.
- Act as a voting member of the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- Submit an end of term report to the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser.
- Lodge Vice Chief of Dance And Drum
- Work closely with the Lodge Associate Adviser for Dance and Drum.
- Monitor the activities of the Chapter Vice‑Chiefs for Dance and Drum.
- Coordinate the promotion of Native American Program and Activities.
- Coordinate Dance and Drum Practice and Dance Competitions.
- Support Vice Chief of Ceremonies with drumming and regalia.
- Coordinate with the Vice Chief of Program on dancing and drumming activities at lodge events.
- Perform such duties as the Lodge requires.
- Act as a voting member of the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- Submit an end of term report to the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser.
- Lodge Vice Chief of Ceremonies
- Work closely with the Lodge Associate Adviser for Ceremonies
- Monitor the activities of the Chapter Vice Chiefs of Ceremonies
- Support Ceremony Team training
- Oversee that the Call Outs and Arrow of Light Crossovers are following national guidelines.
- Coordinate Pre-Ordeal and Ordeal Ceremonies at Induction Weekends
- Coordinate Brotherhood Ceremonies at all weekend Lodge events
- Perform such duties as the Lodge requires
- Act as a voting member of the Lodge Council of Chiefs
- Submit an end of term report to the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser.
- Lodge Vice Chief of Training
- Work closely with the Lodge Associate Adviser for Training.
- Advise chapters on conducting Unit Election Training.
- Plan, coordinate, promote, and execute:
- Elangomat training
- Brotherhood Classes
- The Order of the Arrow courses at the Council Events
- Takachsin
- Any other training as required by the lodge
- Lodge Leadership Development (LLD)
- Perform such duties as the lodge requires.
- Act as a voting member of the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- Submit an end of term report to the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser.
- Lodge Vice Chief of National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC)
- Work closely with the Lodge NOAC Contingent Adviser
- Lead NOAC Contingent and plan pre and post NOAC activities.
- Host a patch design contest for the NOAC contingent and NOAC fundraiser patches.
- Present After Action Report at the COC following the NOAC.
- Perform such duties as the lodge requires.
- Act as a voting member of the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- Submit an end of term report to the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser.
- Lodge Vigil Chief
- Work closely with the Lodge Associate Adviser for Vigil.
- Coordinate the Vigil Induction Weekends
- Coordinate and run the Vigil Honors Selection at Fall Fellowship
- Perform such duties as the Lodge requires
- Act as a voting member of the Lodge Council of Chiefs
- Submit an end of term report to the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser
- General:
- All Lodge officers shall attend all Lodge Executive Council and Council of Chiefs meetings.
- All Lodge officers shall submit a written report at the end of their term dealing with duties, accomplishments, and suggestions for the future.
- Lodge Chief
- Lodge Recognition awards will be defined in the Awards Section in the Amangi Nacha Lodge Plan Book. Changes in Awards may be made by a simple majority of the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- Chief’s Award
- Lodge Chiefs yearly outstanding service award.
- Awarded for service above and beyond normal duty to the Lodge.
- James E. West Award
- Founder's Award
- Chief’s Award
- Chapter recognition awards will be determined by the Chapters.
- Lodge Recognition awards will be defined in the Awards Section in the Amangi Nacha Lodge Plan Book. Changes in Awards may be made by a simple majority of the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- Lodge By‑laws shall only be changed by a 2/3 vote of the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- All amendments shall be proposed at one meeting of the Lodge Council of Chiefs, published within the 3 days following and voted on at the next meeting of the Lodge Council of Chiefs.
- Amendments (Summary of Changes)