Amangi Nacha Lodge


January 1st to April 31st the Amangi Nacha Lodge conducts new member elections for any Unit that has youth that meets the OA membership requirements.

To make the forms legible and to expedite  the election we ask that the unit:
1.       Complete 1 of the 2 Election Report Forms
·         For a unit that has 1 - 14 youth eligible
·         For a unit that has 15 - 28 youth eligible
 Use Acrobat  PDF Reader for an Interactive Form



2.        Please complete all fields including the BSA ID number for verification through ScoutNet

3.       Print the 3 copies of the Election Report Form for the Lodge, Chapter and Unit. Give the copies to the election team when they arrive to conduct the election.

4.       As you fill out any of the Election Report forms the others are also filled in and the an election ballot is also generated for the scouts to use for the election

These pdf documents can be edited typed on and saved

The ballot sheet prints several election ballots per sheet
1.       Select print and select printer.
2.       Chose to print the last page
3.       Print the number of copies needed so each scout has 2 ballots available for the election






Election requirements for everyone under 21 years of age:


  1. 15 days and nights of camping, including one long-term resident camp of 6 days and 5 nights, within the previous 2 years. The remainder of the camping time must be made up of short-term or weekend camping trips.
  2. At the time of their election, youth must be under the age of 21, and hold one of the following ranks corresponding to the type unit in which they are being considered for election: Scouts BSA First Class rank, the Venturing Discovery Award, or the Sea Scout Ordinary rank or higher, and following approval by the Scoutmaster, Crew Adviser or Sea Scout Skipper, be elected by the youth members of their unit.
  3. Must have the unit leader’s approval as being a Scout who lives by the Scout Oath and Law



To hold an election a unit must have 50% of their registered youth members present at the meeting when the election is held, rounded up for odd numbers to 50% +1

To be elected into the Order of the Arrow a scout must receive votes from 50% of the ballots cast, rounded up for odd numbers to 50% +1